In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from bigbang.archive import Archive
from bigbang import repo_loader;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

One of the newest features of BigBang is the ability to analyze git info for each project. For now, we mostly just look at commits over time. We can also analyze individual committers to run cohort visualization.

First, make sure that you've collected git and mail data. For now, we are looking at scipy, but you can analyze any git repo you'd like by loading its info. Below, we load the mail and git data into data tables.

In [2]:
url = ""
arx = Archive(url,archive_dir="../archives")
repo = repo_loader.get_repo("bigbang")
full_info = repo.commit_data;

act ="Date").size();
act = act.resample("D", how=np.sum)
act = act[act.index.year <= 2014]
act_week = act.resample("W", how=np.sum)

Checking for bigbang at /home/aryan/urap/bigbang/archives/sample_git_repos/bigbang
failed to add a commit because of an encoding error
failed to add a commit because of an encoding error

In [3]:
print(full_info["Parent Commit"])

2015-03-17 00:03:27    [00f13d97385763b699b52b562fc204d80149098b, 9f6...
2015-03-17 00:03:11    [00f13d97385763b699b52b562fc204d80149098b, a69...
2015-03-16 23:56:02           [847720442d7cab223a6c83f0bd9db37ca28bdfbd]
2015-03-14 20:18:01           [701212ecb79f1b400c2e293d98ff582c750532d0]
2015-03-12 21:51:25           [aef98ed18e82a52ca4dfc593769f99f4618f8edb]
2015-03-10 00:06:20    [a87af8aed3e0e2fb964579b8a7144361d4c19d2f, e57...
2015-03-10 00:01:08    [0547569578a496cf80d153ca9cf2d20849c1736c, 4ba...
2015-03-09 23:52:56           [a87af8aed3e0e2fb964579b8a7144361d4c19d2f]
2015-03-09 23:40:02    [8c450a41c5446db94c0cff7151a8ef2297c43a07, 847...
2015-03-09 23:31:02           [8c450a41c5446db94c0cff7151a8ef2297c43a07]
2015-03-09 23:20:54           [8c450a41c5446db94c0cff7151a8ef2297c43a07]
2015-03-05 22:47:56    [0b47f504de03817db97e0d3556c98f7c252bc0f9, fef...
2015-03-04 05:48:45           [0b47f504de03817db97e0d3556c98f7c252bc0f9]
2015-03-03 06:12:18           [cf1a386f6d912dd90604f34fe361c2f0e5ef6c0a]
2015-03-03 06:11:54           [93a99309b2bbe0344ac0636edf9ac12de561b35f]
2014-06-26 17:05:50           [3a291d63e7c26746436cf6c58036ce670eed23b8]
2014-06-26 16:22:36           [43fed312a21f258d3b9a3ae8c745cd02009c751a]
2014-06-26 16:22:18           [eddf101f7b0e31422d36fd4b67d5e8cc3ca67e83]
2014-06-26 16:08:19           [3729f4667bc4ea06688b7deb090d0395db179ac5]
2014-06-25 04:37:21           [b3daa9ed19d1ff3fed142eae86799d309d775581]
2014-06-23 21:45:05           [4216eec1d5bb443d17d57fa1cb453f1a0c324c9c]
2014-06-23 20:37:25           [56e705d8553cc4d7069b2724178bf70c7eada1f3]
2014-06-23 18:57:27           [15dae1d5718612c6f6c3bc7025ebcbb909e65123]
2014-06-23 18:54:04           [aff45b7618b5abd7c15789df2df98c887d70f557]
2014-06-19 21:21:42           [0b9499baec5369e2b354951ca5ceec7f747c81f1]
2014-06-19 21:20:58           [99698d323280d83165b34a1be2bed677efc8fdcf]
2014-06-19 20:53:35           [8f15eeab73d44bce6cd8e13bafe0e1aac582478c]
2014-06-19 20:52:56           [69087359c5a0395b7a48a9dfa77185d2f4f3e8c1]
2014-06-18 00:35:00           [54f44fa804bbcf1b24b3f8fb0a7e28f12ae2dac7]
2014-06-17 23:17:32    [874859971829ac294a5bde5a567011b119aaa90e, a19...
Freq: H, Name: Parent Commit, Length: 325

The code below graphs the commits per day and commits per week for scipy. As we will see later, consolidating commits into larger time periods allows for smoother graphs. As you can see, the weekly graph is slightly smoother. We will find some more ways to smoothen these lines.

In [4]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7.5));
commits_per_day = repo.commits_per_day()
commits_per_week = repo.commits_per_week()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7.5));

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f44afae55d0>

With some convolution, the two jutted graphs make much more sense. This graphs commits per week and emails per week. The fact that we have the git and mail data for the same project lets us analyze the relationship between emails and commits. We can look at whether or not weeks where there is a lot of emailing are followed by weeks of many commits. We can even go down to the individual level and analyze each commiter/emailer with questions like "Is a person less likely to commit if they email a lot?"

In [5]:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7.5));

simp = 5

convulation_array = [1.0/(simp) for n in range(simp)];
c_array = np.convolve(commits_per_week, convulation_array, "same")
e_array = np.convolve(act_week, convulation_array, "same");

plt.plot(act_week.index, e_array) # The Blue
plt.plot(commits_per_week.index, c_array) # The Green


This is the top 20 (or fewer) committers to a project. An interesting question to answer for the future would be whether or not these committers are more likely to be in the same cohort.

In [6]:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7.5));
df = repo.by_committer();
if (len(df > 20)):
    df = df[len(df)-20:]

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f44af7e8650>

Below, one can see cohort visualization of commits. Each cohort is a group of commiters that started working on the project around the same time. The first cohort is the first 1/5th of people to start committing, the second cohort is the second 1/5th of people to start committing, and so on. For Scipy, the first cohort of commiters tends to dominate, while the second has recently taken some more charge.

In [7]:
n = 5

import numpy as np

def first_commit_fn(df):
    if (len(df) < 1):
        return df
dataFrame = full_info

commits_by_time =  dataFrame.groupby(["Committer Name", dataFrame['Time'].map(lambda x: x.toordinal()/100)], sort=True).size();
time = dataFrame.groupby(dataFrame['Time'].map(lambda x: x.toordinal()/100)).size().order();
first_commits = dataFrame.groupby("Committer Name").min().sort("Time");

commits_by_time = (commits_by_time.reindex(index = time.index.values, level=1, fill_value=0))

cohorts = np.array_split(first_commits, n);

convulation_array = [.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1];

cohort_activity = [(commits_by_time.loc[cohort.index.values].sum(None, False, 1, False)).reindex(index = time.index.values) for cohort in cohorts];

for i in range(len(cohort_activity)):
    cohort_activity[i] = np.convolve(cohort_activity[i], convulation_array)

to_graph = pd.DataFrame(cohort_activity).transpose()

to_graph.plot(kind="bar",stacked=True, linewidth=0)

<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f44af780e50>

In [8]:
byCommitter = repo.by_committer();

totalCohortCommits = [];

for cohort in cohorts:
    cohortPeople = byCommitter.reindex(cohort.index);

commitsPerCohort = pd.DataFrame(totalCohortCommits);


<matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot at 0x7f44af7113d0>

This explains why the first cohort dominates all the others: those who joined the project early on happen to make many more commits than those who joined later. Part of this is because they've had more time to contribute to the project, but there could be other factors.

In [8]:

In [8]: